Blackberry Action
The Mitta to Murray Blackberry Action Group (M2MBAG) formed in 2012 when the Group began working with land owners to develop work plans for blackberry management on their properties.
M2MBAG represents nine Landcare groups, private plantation owners, the local shire and government agencies with responsibility for environmental management. The project is led by a steering group representing these key stakeholders.
M2MBAG adopted a community led approach to address the control and management of blackberry in targeted areas of North East Victoria.
The community led approach is designed to:
Support and recognise the contribution of local Landcare groups and networks to natural resource management in our area
Engage key stakeholders in understanding the need to take a long term view on blackberry management
Provide landholders with up to date extension information on an integrated approach to control methods
Demonstrate that effective control can be achieved through private and public landholders working together towards common goals
Create an evidence base to support ongoing funding for blackberry controls
Harness the collective resources and knowhow of private and public land managers in the quest to reduce the extent and spread of blackberry and preserve our natural assets.
This program is now in its 10th year, and we now have 220 landowner work plans covering almost 50,000 ha in place. The success of the program is being seen during return visits and work plan renewals, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach.